Activated Charcoal Suspension – KOL

Activated Charcoal Suspension – KOL

Activated Charcoal Suspension and Bolus

Indications :

Diarrhoea, indigestion and acidosis

Recommended Usage :

  • Cow, Buffalo & Horse: 0.5-1 ml./kg. or one bolus for 20-25 kg. body weight (250 ml. or 10 boli. As a single dose)
  • Calf, Pig, Sheep & goat: 1-2 ml./kg. body wt. or one bolus for 15-25 kg. body wt.
  • Dog & Cat: 2-3 ml./kg. body wt. or one bolus for 10-15 kg. body wt.

Repeat the dose after 12 hours or as directed by the Nutritionist or Veterinarian


500 ml. HDPE bottle & 8 gm. bolus
